Hello, thanks for sharing your fantastic work.
I evaluated the ReCo on Cityscapes validation split but didn't get the same result as your paper.Here are my result and configs:
### Results: deit_s_…
Pretrained model
Hi, as you suggested in the earlier thread, we tried with the exact same settings and argument that you provided to do train on deit tiny adversarially. However, it is still not working, only 18% accu…
Thanks for the terrific work and codes!
1. When I run ./benchmark/run_spmm_spatha.sh, I find some shapes are not working. For example, (M=192, K=192, N=3168), which possibly occurs for linear layers …
Hi, appreciate your work and your contributions to the community!
Recently we notice that the top-1 accuracy of DeiT-S pretrained model you report in your paper is 78.9, but the actual accuracy of th…
With no modification,I using your ptq code to export deit onnx models. But error occurs when using onnxruntime to inference the onnx model.
hello @VainF,
Can you please check the following? Thanks.
deit_small_patch16_224 pruning throws the following error:
File "/home/viplab/Deepak/Torch_Pruning_v137/examples/transf…
Hi @falcon-xu !
I am trying to run the `eval_highway_deit.sh` script using the model you published [in this HF repo](https://huggingface.co/FALcon6/LGViT-ViT-Cifar100), but running into some issues…