DSpace supports both DOIs and Handles for permanent unique identification of Items. ([1](https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC8x/DOI+Digital+Object+Identifier) and [2](https://wiki.lyrasis.org/displa…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## *Lab OnBoarding Request*
Use this to register your lab for hosting and/or update the list
of experiments in the lab.
Repo Owner Details
Name - Prof. Santosh Biswas
GitHub handle - IITGVLAB
3 UCD collections with ARK conflicts.
Note: These are not harvest-stopping errors; these collections are currently on -stage.
## To Do:
- [ ] Contact UCD about the ARK conflicts
- [ ] Reharvest
See NMAH, etc.
Once done, close out https://jira-telework.si.edu/browse/SIRISSOVA-1033
Project Lead: Renée Hall
Mentor: Carolina N. de Moura
Welcome to Open Seeds! This issue will be used to track your project and progress during the program. Please use this checklist over t…
## Description
### User story
**AS A** researcher
**I WANT** to wrap up my research study
**SO THAT** I can share insights with others and protect participants' private information
## Tasks
> - “Recent efforts have attempted to encourage researchers to make linguistic data open and accessible via servers (e.g., the IRIS database).”
--> Given the goal of this paper, please add more expla…
Thanks for setting up this repository! If possible, I would like to add AppWorld to this list. It best fits the text games section.
🔗 Website: https://appworld.dev/
📄 Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/…
Discussed previously in #340, here is the implementation!
- [x] Create new `Sandbox` database in Digital Ocean, with same specs as `pdap-db-dev` (which unfortunately cannot be easily re…