Trying to initialize device HIDDevice:
/dev/hidraw1 | 16d0:e90 | unknown | U2F-token (STM32) | 1.00
release_number: 256
usage_page: 14898
usage: 11825
i get crush during a fight (when i cut npc head) here what log says:
Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FFFE38896EB (tbbmalloc.dll+196EB) on thread 3144!
FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
### Program version
### Operating System
### Type
### Service
### Command used
aniDL.exe --service crunchy --series G6NQ5DWZ6 -s GJWU2W87W --dubLang eng --dlsub…
or just a toy?
Bugs including:
- pybind not maintained (value - getValue)
- sharestring initialization error ( what t h is the empty string?)
- inline string mark not removing
- (new feature) ro…
I have installed python-mode using vim Plug, then I enabled `pymode_lint`, but when I'm trying to run PymodeLint it always says `[Pymode] Code checking is completed. No errors found.`
Funny thing i…
chlos updated
2 years ago
According to the ontology, yes, as they're both symbolic objects which is where P106 is defined. Eg any descendant of E90 Symbolic Object can be part of any other descendent of E90, which includes …
The following segfaults:
(set-logic QF_BV)
(declare-fun c0 () (_ BitVec 14))
(declare-fun c1 () (_ BitVec 14))
(define-fun e2 () (_ BitVec 15) ((_ sign_extend 1) c1))
(declare-fun c3 () (_…
The following segfaults:
(set-logic QF_BV)
(declare-fun c0 () (_ BitVec 14))
(declare-fun c1 () (_ BitVec 14))
(define-fun e2 () (_ BitVec 15) ((_ zero_extend 1) c1))
(declare-fun c3 () (_…
Some Appellation Parts (E90 Symbolic Object) have two rdf:values. Sadly, for display reasons (see [here](https://sk.acdh-dev.oeaw.ac.at/resource/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsk.acdh.oeaw.ac.at%2Fissue474%2Fpubl…
The following segfaults:
(set-logic QF_BV)
(declare-fun c0 () (_ BitVec 18))
(declare-fun c1 () (_ BitVec 18))
(define-fun e2 () (_ BitVec 19) ((_ zero_extend 1) c1))
(declare-fun c3 () (_ B…