If you open the anaconda prompt before installing the awscli on Windows, then anaconda doesn't see the updated path and can't find the aws tool.
So, better to install the CLI first and then the min…
Following the instructions to build the device firmware, it seems there are a ton of missing libraries. For example:
src\app_driver.c:11:24: fatal error: iot_button.h: No such file or directory
pulled repo, then
(base) [user esp32]$ make
[1097/1329] Generating ../../frozen_content.c
FAILED: frozen_content.c
cd /home/user/esp/Core2forAWS-MicroPython/ports/esp32/build-Core2f…
fedora 34, $HOME is /home/user,
esp idf 4.2 release is /home/user/esp/esp-idf
Core2forAWS-MicroPython is /home/user/esp/Core2forAWS-MicroPython
a) first make / make after clean
The unit ships with a QR code on screen that takes you to https://edukit.workshop.aws/en/ - but then following the instructions you build and then need to scan the barcode that is on your computer scr…
I am getting the following error (username blanked with xxxxxx) when running Upload and Monitor.
File "c:\users\xxxxxxxx\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\serial\serialwin32.py", line 64, in open…
The method button.ispressed caused an error in my case at line 130.
Build will fail following Getting-Started instructions Build, Upload and Monitor.
The fix on Windows 10:
pip install pyasn1_modules jose
"A window will open asking for additional information to include into the certificate. For purposes of this tutorial, we will leave all fields blank."
- it's not a window, it's in the terminal
- s…