## bearophile_hugs reported this on 2013-03-19T15:56:44Z
### Transfered from https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9762
### Description
Consider adding a std.math.isqrt function for…
In this algorithm i will try to find the number of prime number present from a to b and give a count with each number !! Will start working on it as soon as i get assigned
### ⭐ Request Type
Add in-depth documentation for the lesson Number theory part-A .
you can start your contribution from this [file](https://github.com/Utkarsh1504/DSA-Java/blob/main/lessons/num-one…
Найти среди чисел от 50 до 70 второе простое число (число называют простым,
если оно делится без остатка только на 1 и себя) и завершить цикл с
использованием break.
Юнит тесты обязательны
# 高速素因数分解
## Description
ポラード・ロー素因数分解法(Pollard’s rho algorithm)
$O(N^{\frac 1 4})$ expected
## File Name
- [ ] 実装
- [ ] ドキュメント作成
Hi, I just read [the sequences tutorial](https://ocaml.org/docs/sequences) whose source is [here](data/tutorials/ds_05_seq.md) (commit 0f4aa1ec), here is some feedback (my apologies for this not being…
## bearophile_hugs reported this on 2013-03-19T15:56:44Z
### Transfered from https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9762
### Description
Consider adding a std.math.isqrt function for…
Add more algorithms and data structures to the repository, that are not already present.
Also add the explanation for the algorithms in markdown format.
Hi @Kushal997-das ,
I want to add a Java solution for Sieve of Eratosthenes which is used to print all primes smaller than or equal to n.
Kindly assign me this issue under HacktoberFest 2024.
### Задача
1. Знайти 10 алгоритмів у репозиторії https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms у яких відсутній переклад на українську мову
2. Перевірити чи є переклад цих алгоритмів у PR-ах htt…