I just received a request for the ESA eclipse corrections functionality for THEMIS/ARTEMIS
I am trying to search for multiple datasets:
catalog = pystac_client.Client.open("https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1", modifier=planetary_computer.sign_inplace)
search = ca…
define scope
prepare code script
align location with model 1 X
categorize into undisturbed green, urban, man-made green (e.g. graze land)
date: June 5
history of same location (1980-today)
Buenas! Me gustaría saber si en cuanto eficiencia y estilo está bien. Gracias!
#define N 4
#define M 5
#define IS_VALID(X) ((X) >= 0 && (X) < 10)
int armaFilas(int mat[][M…
This is related to:
- https://github.com/Riverscapes/RiverscapesXML/pull/302
In Arc we get this:
Hola Fabri, como va? Encontrar un compatriota trabajando en algo tan especifico como esto es casi como encontrar una aguja en un pajar, que grande!
Tenia consultas respecto de la implementacion de …
We have to rename this attribute because it's showing a tooltip on hover.
navbar ichida har bitta a href lar uchun li create qilishinggiz kerak edi , siz esa bitta li ichida 5 ta a href yozib qoyibsiz , bu hato , semantic , validator xato korsatmaydi
![Screenshot 2024-10-…
Sameer , thanks for the great project.
I am relatively new to Verilog and FPGA development, and I find your work in this field particularly inspiring.
Currently, I am encountering some challenge…
Koha-Suomella on työn alla kehitystoive, että asiakkaat voisivat rekisteröityä asiakkaaksi vahvalla tunnistautumisella. Finna voisi olla yksi kanava, jonka kautta asiakkaat tekisivät rekisteröitymisen…