This is probably the best SSE implementation for Swift I have found on Github. But there is a problem with consistency. Some of the chunk data fail to convert to JSON completely rand…
I'm confused by the three available sources of EventSource, and unsure which one is the correct one to use.
The Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource package has not been updated since 2015. Ho…
## Information
Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS x86_64 ,github codespace , node v16.20.2
## Details
### Description
While trying to build a project that includes the Ubuntu font, I encountered a problem. …
Hi Alex,
I was wondering if EventSourced ( https://github.com/eligosource/eventsourced ) could be used to further enhance DubSub, most notably, to provide durability when needed. It would allow to su…
Using `EventSource `to log data to a listener is fairly advanced ([this](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Tracing/EventSource.cs#…
Could you please provide some example how to handle records n+1 size?
For example I need to handle stream of events form SNS.
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
when i change from month mode into week mode in twinssbc demo project, i see that the viewDate.events only get the all-day events
I would like to use RxJS Dom and Server Sent Event to replace my old web-socket implementation.
With native EventSource, the following code re-establish a connection every 30 seconds (depending…
When I use EventSource to retrieve Batch results, it happens that for quickly executed scripts, e.g. `echo Hello World`, I am not able to subscribe to events after sending the script and I lose the re…