From IANA expert review comments:
"(1) Regarding the link relation definition "The link target identifies a catalog of APIs published by the owner of the link context."
Since the only relations…
Kevsy updated
16 hours ago
### Description
The WebTransport API provides a modern alternative to WebSockets, transmitting data between client and server using HTTP/3 Transport. WebTransport provides support for multiple stre…
## Description
- Implement expression session.
- Implement routing .
- Implement 2 APIs for login and register in routing folders.
We need to inform the insurance company about the contents we're shipping with the packages. And for that, it would be really cool if we somehow had the ability to set this information quickly and eas…
Create a simple Express Server which can handle all incoming routes via "/api" endpoint and route them to "router.js" file inside "/routes" folder.
Local backend service with stripped down apollo interface that starts the reactor.
Take switchboard and simplify it:
- Making use of the filesystem storage.
- Removes any dependencies on graphql pla…
## Summary:
Plugin works after Installation. When device is rebooted, Plugin no longer works, gives this error message:
Cannot load configuration. Try to restart the Server and reload the page.
## 🔥 알게된 점
1. 비동기처리
4. Express
## 📚 배운 점
### 동기 / 비동기, 그리고 비동기 처리를 사용하는 이유
1. 동기
- 어떤 작업이 끝나기 전까지 **다음 작업을 실행하지 않음**
- **요청에 대한 응답이 완료될 때까지 기다림**
- 백그라운드 작업 완료 여부 계속 확인…
Можно отобрать пак сообщений ,чтоб по HTTP запросу к эндпоинту - выдавалось одно из сообщений на определенный топик
- `/navesti-suetu`
- `/pro-horosij-kod`
**Version:** "webflow-api": "^2.0.0"
import {Items} from "webflow-api/api/resources/collections/resources/items/client/Client";
declare global {
namespace Expr…