Here's what I see:
Running on zsh, let me what other details you may need.
たぶん「Lightning で PRエリアの無効化が有効じゃない場合」で警告扱いになってるが、G3の場合は PRエリアの無効化は特に関係ないので、is_g3() の場合にこの処理を除外する感じではないかと。
Within a ExUnit test, I use an `on_exit` callback to cleanup the database after testing:
IO.inspect(My.Account |> My.Repo.all) # shows a record
|> Ecto.Query.where(my_id: ^my_id)
aus70 updated
7 years ago
I have migrated from ecto watch 0.6.0 to 0.11.0. In 0.6.0 my tests run but in 0.11.0 not anymore. In dev everything runs ok.
I'm using Sandbox mode. In test_helper.exs I have
ダッシュボードから ExUnit > CSSカスタマイズ に移動し、そこでCSSを書いて保存しました。
1. installed per instructions
2. launch vim, says to run update.sh
3. run update.sh
`~/.vim/bundle/vim-ide-elixir$ ./update.sh`
4. Errors
HEAD is now at c36f9c5 Update module versions
ToddG updated
5 years ago
In the case where:
- You set the expectation in the test process
- A task (with proper `$callers`) is started from the test process
- The test process finishes before the task
A confusing error …
### Current behaviour
All within an exunit test context
with_mock(mock) = defmock_of RealModule do
def is_age_one?(%{age: 1}) do
{:ok, "age is one"}
def is_age_one?(%…
When attempting to create/run a test that inserts data:
defmodule UseragentTest do
use ExUnit.Case
alias Hits.Useragent
test "Useragent.insert" do
useragent = "Mozilla/5.…