In a very long enum with a render function psalm it gives an error, UnhandledMatchCondition - This match expression is not exhaustive - consider values.
It is checked and all the values declared in …
There are APIs available that are currently not listed in the package. Several APIs listed here are not in our catalogue (yet): https://www.scb.se/en/services/statistical-programs-for-px-files/px-web/…
### What
- Add an API for country detection using GS1 Barcode prefixes
- http://www.gs1.org/company-prefix
- We could add the prefix as a property in the countries taxonomy
- There will be weird p…
If I debug such php file like below:
``` php
Dear Adam!
I can't download a lot of videos. On the "download videos" option it shows nothing.
When I try "Stream video" it show "This video is unavailable".
# Skype
- https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA12330/what-is-the-full-list-of-emoticons
- https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Keyboard-shortcuts-for-emoticons-C1F07009-BBC4-4FBA-87D7-564C01647B43…
The road network of the Faroe Islands is signed almost identically to that of Iceland, with simple black-on-white rectangle shields encompassing all numbered routes in one network. Currently, there ar…
The `ne_countries()` function behaves unexpectedly in case of downloading a country polygon in medium (1:50M) resolution. This feels strange, since the very same piece of code in small or large resolu…
Assertion failed: (!uv__io_active(&stream->io_watcher, UV__POLLOUT) || !ngx_queue_empty(&stream->write_completed_queue) || !ngx_queue_empty(&stream->write_queue) || stream->shutdown_req != NULL || str…
It'd be good to have it in the people pages, near the contact information.