Is it possible to expose the call to list the device interfaces?
Hello everyone,
I am currently facing a problem about making an Android device recognize a FTDI Device.
I have an Arduino Pro Mini connected to my Android smartphone (which is Android 6.x) throu…
I am debuggin ch340 driver in android (https://github.com/felHR85/UsbSerial).
I need ch340 spec such as this document https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/application-notes/AN571.pdf
But AN571.…
EZSP frame sequence numbers are integers in the range [1,254].
EzspFrameRequest stores the value of the next sequence number to assign in an ```AtomicLong```.
After update to android 10 the application will crash when attempting to connect the mini.
Tested on Pixel 3 and not sure if anyone else is having this issue.
The Mini is able to connect to Chameleo…
Hi, I have been testing the example of Multiple Serial ports using a double USB-RS232 converter which internally has two [FT232R](https://www.ftdichip.com/Products/ICs/FT232R.htm) and works OK, but th…
Hi, currently on class CP2102SerialDevice, the setBreak(boolean state) method is not implemented.
public void setBreak(boolean state)
//TODO Auto-generated method s…
thanks for such a great library. I have found steveohara/j2mod thing and I want to run a serial RTU master with your library. I have sucesfully ran an example with the FTDI device - it is dete…
I am debuggin ch340 driver in android (https://github.com/felHR85/UsbSerial).
I need ch340 spec such as this document https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/application-notes/AN571.pdf
But AN571.…