Where does the name "log-ratio profile" come from? Are they from existing literature? "log" and "ratio" make a very strange combination.
Thank you very much for the open source program. Can you provide the references about this algorithm?
caowz updated
6 months ago
I am wondering: is there a good way for us to define operators that make it easy to implement WENO and Cheng-Cooper discretizations? @ranocha do you have ideas on this? Here's a starter of the kind of…
## Problem
Modal group index calculations take a while, and cost a lot. That's because they use finite differences.
Aside from the cost, it becomes quite problematic to finite difference when s…
See the following code and the output. We count the number of calls made to the `rosenbrock` function. As you can see in the output, the `optimize` method reports only 53 calls of the function. Howeve…
Hello, I used your program to calculate the pictures in the paper, and found that the result is not ideal. Can the result be optimized?
What should we do with domain errors? The easiest solution would be to use std::nan() for the values and gradients, but then errors could not be traced back to their source. Alternatively, we can th…
This is a simplified version of Homer's adjoint variable method. Homer's current version has several great features, but the core functionality still seems slightly buggy. Specifically, the adjoint gr…
**Describe the feature**
I think that a method to cancel a `AudioScheduledSourceNode.stop()` would be useful. The method would put the `AudioScheduledSourceNode` into a playing state indefinitely unt…
bgins updated
3 months ago
julia> @time h10 = Calculus.hessian(RB.mylike, RB.troubleParamsSim1.raw)
209.557745 seconds (2.43 G allocations: 83.867 GB, 10.31% gc time)
10x10 Array{Float64,2}:
566.715 -206.282 …