Hi,Guys! When I read the code, I found a problem that the two inputs of focal loss ,which are cls_pred an label , the dimension of them is not the same. e.g. the cls_pred is [nums_points, nums_c…
首次运行时发现sigmoid_focal_loss_cuda.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so 包导入出现问题。
File "/home/admin/pytorch_solov2-master/modules/sigmoid_focal_loss/sigmoid_focal_loss.py", line 5, in
# This formula gives us the log sigmoid of 1-p if y is 0 and of p if y is 1
invprobs = F.logsigmoid(-input * (target * 2 - 1))
when target=0, invprobs=input, and when target=1, invprobes=-…
你好,将focal loss 应用到faster rcnn中的话,应该代替的是rpn的 Cross Entropy还是RCNN的呢?目前运行得到的mAP感觉没什么变化?谢谢
Here seems should be (1 - exp(log_input)), not (1 - log_input)
Hi, thanks for such a great package!
I'm currently training a simple U-net on a binary image classification problem (in this case, identifying water in satellite imagery). I am exploring different …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "G:/pycharmProject/pytorch_solov2-master/train.py", line 4, in
from modules.solov2 import SOLOV2
File "G:\pycharmProject\pytorch_solov2-master\modul…
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/issues) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/discussions) but cannot get the exp…
The official paper of RTM Det https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.07784 link the RTMDet of mmdet as official implementation of the paper but there is one weird thing I have noticed that official paper mentions…
"alpha: A scalar for focal loss alpha hyper-parameter. If positive samples number > negtive samples number, alpha < 0.5 and vice versa."
your function:
` L=-labels*(1-alpha)*((1-y_pred)*…