[T][P][netgear:/mmc]$ cmake
/mmc/bin/cmake: symbol '_ZSt28__throw_bad_array_new_lengthv': can't resolve symbol
/mmc/bin/cmake: symbol '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7…
Добрый день!
Пробовал поставить вот этот пакет `libengine-gost-openssl1.1` по инструкции https://gist.github.com/nook-ru/e697d4748085ab6d2a76b2ac037a76c0 на две убунты 20.04, одна под x86 (с помощь…
ghost updated
3 years ago
1. 아래 코드 부분 wandb project name 따로 지정해줄 수 있게 arguments로 빼면 좋지 않을까?
2. wandb에 추가적으로 …
기존에는 아래와 같이 feature 3개와 answer를 입력으로 사용해서 index를 3으로 접근했는데
testId, assessmentI…
일단 신경써줘야할 부분은
1. Train과 Valid의 데이터 특성 및 분포가 비슷해지게끔 split이 되어야 할테니까 Strati…
### The problem
After upgrading to HA Core-2021.9.x ( i have tried 2021.9.0 beta , 2021,9.1, 2021.9.2, 2021.9.3) the HA starts up, after loading some entities it just refuses connection at home assis…
wandb.init(project=args.project_name", name=args.wandb_run_name + f"…
"Now" pages is: https://openwrt.org/toh/asus/rt-n15u?rev=1529140766
Real hardware is like my router (Russia).
My router "Asus RTN15U" with Asus license:
root@rtn15u:/tmp/home/root# cat /pr…
ghost updated
3 years ago
I'm attempting to install from here: http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/installer/generic.sh
I get the following output, please advise what I'm doing wrong (am I merely just using the wro…
hardware: armv5 based router
system: freshtomato
build system: tomatoware native
uname -a
Linux netgear #7 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 11 16:39:01 CEST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux