The binder env works well when rending a remote COG. However, it does not seem to work for a local COG (a file in the repo). The tile layer won't show up.
!wget https://github.com/giswqs/dat…
There should be a how to run things section somewhere. I think this is foreseen and intended to go there: https://pangeo-data.github.io/foss4g-2022/before/setup.html, am I right?
I propose to put t…
Dear authors,
Thank you for your excellent library! I am now trying to do project and want to export xlines and inlines from SEG-Y as TIFF images (or other image format). I tried to do in Petrel, b…
#### What did you enjoy about the eBook?
A great introductory textbook -- using it for my class
#### Did you find a typo, inconsistency, or error?
The HYMOD notebook doesn't run.
In [`11fc784`](https://github.com/GESISWTS/uptime/commit/11fc7841bf6b6df6469868b4a59130248b740ba4
), GESIS Notebooks (https://notebooks.gesis.org) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
Trying to load the Algorithms Notebook:
Binder says it cannot find it!
In [`9fc24af`](https://github.com/GESISWTS/uptime/commit/9fc24af4ab699d9ee7538aa07bd80553967d4cdb
), GESIS Notebooks (https://notebooks.gesis.org) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 503
- Response time: 335 m…
In [`7a5c774`](https://github.com/GESISWTS/uptime/commit/7a5c774eb748d3e2f3e24a872ad77d35d1f52287
), GESIS Notebooks (https://notebooks.gesis.org) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 503
- Response time: 2468 …
In [`8fefb52`](https://github.com/GESISWTS/uptime/commit/8fefb52673bb8a30e6a66b6688a7c1f39fbbbd8a
), GESIS Notebooks (https://notebooks.gesis.org) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 503
- Response time: 2365 …
In [`b374117`](https://github.com/GESISWTS/uptime/commit/b374117c42d0086f599d3c33c3543236402cca6e
), GESIS Notebooks (https://notebooks.gesis.org) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 503
- Response time: 2557 …