In build 20230728, `gurobiasl` recognizes a space or an = sign between an option name and the corresponding value. But `gurobi` only recognizes an = sign:
ampl: option gurobi_options 'nodemethod…
**What version of OR-Tools and what language are you using?**
Version: v9.0.9048
Language: Python
**Which solver are you using (e.g. CP-SAT, Routing Solver, GLOP, BOP, Gurobi)**
Using ASL solvers, it was possible to specify an option string that had no space between option specifications. A user has provided this minimal example:
var x;
minimize Obj: x;
subject to B…
Gurobi 10 and 11 give somewhat different results for piecewise-linear approximation of this simple test problem:
var x;
minimize f: 0.2*x^2 + 1/(1+exp(-x));
subj to bounds: -1
Develop a model that recommends the type of maintenance (internal or external vendor) required for each fault type based on historical data. The model will aim to minimize maintenance co…
I have recently been using the MIOSR optimizer now included with PySINDy, which requires a Gurobi license. It would be good if a small change could be made to this code allowing multiple models…
Reproducing example:
n = 100
p = 30
d = get_diff_mat(p, 3)
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n)
y = rnorm(n)
get_lambda_max(X, y, d=d) # Returns 72.50772
CBMPy, COBRApy, MASSpy, and RBApy can run more quickly with commercial alternatives (e.g., Gurobi, CPLEX) to open-source dependencies (i.e. GLPK).
- COBRApy: CPLEX or Gurobi
- MASSp…
**Snakemake version**
**Describe the bug**
Even just running `snakemake --version` prints a warning about an expired Gurobi license file, although I am not even using a scheduler for print…
else if(solver == "gurobi"){
# In bar.R
if (!requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Make sure that you have installed the Gurobi software and accompan…