1. set nick in settings: всеталантливый_неразменный_грошик
2. restart hexchat
3. you will see on hexchat start:
$ hexchat
*** buffer overflow detected ***: hexchat terminated
core dumped
Trying to set pluginpref values, everything that matches the PCRE pattern `^-?\d+` gets converted into an integer with **the rest being discarded entirely**. While I find it incredibly questionable th…
running this on host:
`$ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s HighContrast`
switches the flatpak'd hexchat gtk2 theme to Adwaita instead of HighContrast, possibly due to:
> \ temporaryres…
if someone is set to away, his name should be displayed in gray or something like that to mark that he is not available right now.
hexchat does it like this:
Freshly installed windows hexchat fails to render Hebrew
Use this test line, for example:
Welcome in Hebrew is בברכה
Going through the setup procedure instantly corrects,
so that Hebrew characte…
Using Hexchat 2.9.6 under Xubuntu 14.04.
On the XFCE 4.10 desktop, one of the panels has a "show/hide all applications" button. If Hexchat is set to minimize to its system tray icon, clicking that XF…
It's not that easy to find a HexChat script for a given purpose right now. The hexchat/hexchat-addons repository has scripts, but they're not easily searchable. Some scripts and plugins are also scatt…
I believe irslackd doesn't change my presence to online when connecting to it. The end result is all my messages aren't marked as read until I open web/app slack. I use znc in front o…
I'm using xchat on Linux, and sometime on small channel, the userlist load two times and I've each member twice in the userlist.
I've also double join and double part message for the user.
It just recently stopped working for me. It cannot find packlists anymore for me and I tried all bots. Just stopped working this week. Not really sure why. I liked it though. May have to go back to lo…