Testing doesn't seem to be able to start after updating landlab to the latest release (post #615 merge) due to a numpy.testing Tester issue.
Running `python test-installed-landlab.py` yields the fo…
MultiQC doesn't appear to run in the current state of the conda environment from the yaml file. Attempting to run on a minimal dataset (2 samples) throws 'SyntaxError: future feature annotations is no…
Looks like the -n parameter (number of updates per PE) is silently ignored.
Can we do Multi-GPU over MPI?
Here is a summary of distributed computing capabilities
AFAIK there are no "distributed tensors" or anything like …
Having the User Guide on a .m file allows us to use publish() or m2html() to automatically generate html code. I think smart use of documenting file names may allow us to have the guide integrated wit…
### Problem
The current `Widget`s help us a lot at a time no clear frameworks were available to build advanced paneled UI. The situation is different now. So it would be good to move fr…
I recently had to re-run a crashed job on the HPCC. The original jobs were numbered 1001 thru 1050.
1001..1050 dishtiny-evolve module load GNU/6.3.0 && ./dishtiny -SEED $seed
The jo…
While `autoLayout LeftRight` works, using `TopBottom` or `BottomTop` results in the following error:
10:55:28 AM c4:vite INFO trigger hmr likec4-plugin/icons.js
10:55:28 AM c4:vite INFO hmr u…
Perhaps an optional flag that would either pull in a remote package or assume no CSS (ie, that it's being externallY installed) ?