OS: Debian Jessie
java -version
java version "1.7.0_261"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.22) (7u261-2.6.22-1~deb8u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.261-b02, mixed mode)
There have been many HPL episodes spanning over years. Evidence is scattered across numerous publication platforms and streaming services. We should collect this information into a shared repo so we c…
The hpl easyblock incorrectly uses LIBLAPACK_MT without checking that toolchainopt openmp is True.
This makes it fail using gimkl toolchain.
Similar to overriding the weapon status, would a new Crosshair override type make sense to allow picking a weapon to override and replacing its Crosshair logic?
Personally, with my reskin, being able…
I'm working my way through the book Using OpenRefine and they use your RDF extension to connect to the LCSH sparql endpoint. When I ask OpenRefine to start reconciling at LCSH, I get the error below. …
I'm getting the following error while initialising the test, do I've to create the Jena index file, I thought it should be automatically generate by the Jena library. Thanks
Trying to compile HPL 2.3 with GCC 11.3 and AMD AOCL 3.2 on my Zen2 workstation. It looks like the HPL configure script doesn't recognize AOCL yet. Can support for this library be added?
Also, the …
Should we add multichase as a benchmark for PKB? Its pullls out a HPL RandonAccess like workload and is simpler to run.
honest profiler just introduced a new marker:
`const byte NEW_METHOD_SIGNATURE = 31;`
this of course breaks the conversion from hpl. Hopefully you can take a look and fix this.
### What version of Open MPI are you using?
### Describe how Open MPI was installed
Configure command line: