Like we do on anchors, it'd be good to support forms so that we can "navigate" with other verbs and payloads than a `GET` with query params.
This might make some resources easier to understand and de…
It's possible to make a login form using face detection?
1. Age textbox accepts non-integers also.
1. Gender field should be dropdown
1. Labels and textboxes/dropdown should be properly aligned
Apparently placing an html file in either the admin or xadmin template folder doesn't seem to override with the xadmin plugin.
The path that I use is "templates/xadmin/app/model/change_form.html"
Review all HTML form controls (button, input, select, textarea, etc) and other relevant elements (e.g. can replacement elements know the direction?) to see if/how they should support vertical writing …
I am trying to add spam filtering to my website, but the spam filtering always returns false for both the isValid value and the passedSpamFilter value.
This is my form:
public class Guestbook…
More material codewith Harry YouTube where he make contact form workable
in the render you can use a props and then use a single html in fragment.