Here is a test case:
When I minify it with `includeAutoGeneratedTags` set to `false`, I get the following output ``. As you can see, a closing `` is…
Hi @fitztrev ,
Just to be clear, for laravel 5+ should I only use the gulp package? So it's a minification directly on the blade files before they are compiled, i.e., they are compiled after being m…
### Browser Sync + Gulp
I am using Browser-sync with Gulp. There was no error so far, everything was good but recently I am getting this error in the console. The server starts and when I change the …
It would be very useful to allow some kind of callbacks that let the user handle CSS and JS in whatever way they want, instead of just leaving them unminified.
Is it possible to add this feature?
![schermata 2015-11-06 alle 16 23 11](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1035294/11000561/ca122d2e-84a2-11e5-82de-9c9d6524f765.png)
Estou encontrando um erro recorrente na execução das tarefas mini_html e atualiza.
Acredito que o meu código esteja certo mas vai que....
Pode me ajudar? O meu repositório fica no link:
Started having this issue in version 17.2 and 17.3.
If i revert to 17.1 is fine.
My package.json is:
"autoprefixer": "9.7.6",
"browser-sync": "2.26.7",
"cssnano": "4.1.10…
Zokor updated
4 years ago
I edited the `index.html` file to change some of the titles.
When I run `gulp`, there is no error, but the resulting file has no CSS either JS files embedded into index.html.gz.
I'm having troubles parsing templates which have expressions like this `{% if balance < 5 %}`.
And the parsing is failing pointing to `', `