Submitting Author Giovanni Saraceno \
Submitting Author Github Handle: @giovsaraceno \
Other Package Authors Github handles: @rmj3197 \
Repository: https://github.com/giovsaraceno/QuadratiK-package…
Problems with the current design:
- [ ] it uses underlines for something other than links
- [ ] It di…
I upgraded to BioConductor release 3.6 (cytofkit v1.10.0) and now the tSNE "expression level plots" are no longer scaled to the data.
Here is a plot from v1.9.4:
**[ ID ]** 04e56d27-7573-4592-bdf8-f708c64411fe
**[ Submitter's Name ]** Ani Martinez
**[ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ]** The Sprout Fund
**[ Submitter's Twitter ]** ani@sproutfund.org
**[ S…
# Project Details
#### How would you describe your project?
This would be a event management progressive web app. An event would have one or more sessions. People would register and would become a…
I was really surprised that there is no support for basic financial formulas in standard Windows calculator. I tried to look for any relevant Github issues but couldn't find any.
What are some ways to improve innovating and what are some things to avoid?
# 🎉🎉 **WELCOME!!** 🎉 🎉
Hi there! We are glad you made it to our repo! Your collaboration, your comment, your suggestion help us to grow as a project and as a team.
We would really to love to kn…
Would be nice to see upload status in notification bar.
Infos could be:
- startime
- endtime
- upload rate in mb/s
- erros during upload
With this also drop support for 4.0 and use "new" API…
## Website
[ZUPLA – Zürich spart Plastik](https://zupla.logrinto.ch/)
> Anmerkung Stefan Huber: [Prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/3n0oQWfKRl3HxSA3YW81Vs/ZUPLA-%E2%80%93-Z%C3%BCrich-spart-Plast…