您好,使用open dataset 数据集格式训练icdar2015 迭代时间比icdar格式数据集慢,open dataset CTW 数据集 内存泄漏,有解决方法吗?
I try to reproduce your experiment on icdar dataset, but meet the following problem:
![qq 201805082215082](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33627948/39770766-8db5b458-5322-11e8-84ec-e3…
whulc updated
6 years ago
Hi, @argman
I've already trained some models using this code.
However, when I try to train on another server, I encountered the same problem like above.
After showing this:
train in EAST the hmean is 0.80 the precision is 0.846 the recall is 0.77,
the detection part of FOTS is vary similar to EAST, and the result of full FOTS in icdar web…
Which file should I put in _indexes for label_file to ICDAR 2015 dataset? I want generate a new .json because I've made some motifications in the IC15 images to evaluate specific challenges in natural…
您好,可以描述一下您给出的训练数据集具体构成嘛?是否和CTPN作者提到的训练数据集相同(3,000 natural images, including 229 images from the ICDAR 2013 training set)?
Sorry for the naïve question, I have downloaded the synthetic images (~38GB), depth maps (15GB), segmentation maps(7GB), and raw images (~9GB) from the SynthText repo. I'm wondering how did you…
Hi friends:
I download official "Models trained on ICDAR 2013 (training set) + ICDAR 2015 (training set): BaiduYun http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHWDrYQ " model and try to freeze it to pb model.
I found t…
I am working on the multi-language dataset. When I train on MLT dataset provided at ICDAR, the training starts correctly, but when I change the dataset and train the dataset on my own dataset, it show…
i have run the command "python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 test_net.py ". In the config file, i used the download “model_finetune.pth” and test it on icdar_test dataset. The outpu…