Hello Sir I am Getting Error
I hope you can help me
[04:06:06] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Class "Ds\Queue" not found" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/PlayerVaults/src/muqsit/playervaults/libs/muqsit/invmenu/session/PlayerNetwork" at line 52
Umm sir i want to use Id Meta and count not by Name can you give me example so i can see
[18:28:48] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Interface 'muqsit\invmenu\MenuIds' not found" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/ComplexCrates (4)/src/OguzhanUmutlu/ComplexCrates/libs/muqsit/invmenu/InvMenu" at l…
`[06:54:10.195] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Typed property LemoniqPvP\PocKit\libs\muqsit\invmenu\session\network\PlayerNetwork::$queue must not be accessed before initialization" (EXCEPTION) in …
No + plugins
PHP: 8.0.16
Pocketmine: 4.2.3
OS: linux
Edit: still in dev14
When I send a player an InvMenu they do not receive it, but upon opening their inventory and closing it the menu appears. I have also consoled other developers and they have had this same issue. I can…
Could you please update the plugin to support InvMenu v4? Its annoying to have to use InvMenu v3
I removed the invmenu virion from my plugin and pput it in virions folder, when i click the chest, it send this:
Error: "Class 'VirakMC\MyCrate\libs\muqsit\invmenu\InvMenu' not found" (EXCEPTION) in …
[Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "array_rand(): Array is empty" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/MyCrate (6)/src/VirakMC/MyCrate/MenuManager" at line 51
[16:40:30] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #0 (): po…