ssh -p2222 root@localhost dpkg --install /var/root/MonkeyDevPackages/com.nathan.DingDemo_0.1-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
本来可以连接的,但是不知道怎么连接不上,在左下角已经显示的device conneted,但是还是ide画面没有任何变化,也就是既没有显示出手机画面,也没有任何变化,然后我把airtestide卸载了,然后重新安装,但是出现的问题是点击连接直接卡死,我试了连接genymotion和oppo安卓手机都是一样的,而且每次点击启动airtest都会连续启动两个
我已经`pip install -U --pre facebook-wda`更新过了,执行`s.swipe(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)`时还是会报以下错误:
Shell: curl -X GET -d '' 'http://localhost:8100/session/6F114946-557A-4CC1-974D-8D35CC4AE402/window/size'
I Jailbroke my iPhone X (iOS 16.7.2) using Palera1n (Rootful) and when I try to run Frida from my laptop (frida-ps -U command) I received the below Error, please help:
**Failed to enumerate …
详细描述问题bug:![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30463904/124210934-e4db2100-db1e-11eb-89d1-5ffa6e20c701.png)无法连接IOS设备,点击AirtestID上的“连接”按钮后报错:unrecognized selector sent to instance
1. 打开WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj,运行test命令部署到真机上
2. 执行iproxy 8100 8100
3. 在AirtestIDE上的连接ios设备输入框中输入http:/…
* **Macaca Version**:
* **Macaca Doctor Logs**:
macaca-doctor version: 2.0.5
Node.js checklist:
node env: /usr/local/bin/node
node version: v8.9.3
iOS checklist:
gao2q updated
6 years ago
Software running on the Linux/Mac/Windows computer can initiate a TCP session to an iOS app listening on localhost. Is it possible to make a connection from an iOS app to a process on the Linux/Mac…
执行 tidevice wdaproxy -B com.facebook.wda.WebDriverAgent.Runner --port 8200 命令调试时总是会有 WDA is not response, check again after 10s 的报错输出,请问一般是什么原因引起的?
Hi there,
I followed [here](https://kov4l3nko.github.io/blog/2018-05-25-my-experience-with-lldb-and-electra-jb/) on iOS debugserver(libsystem_network.dylib)[3028] : __nwlog_err_simulate_crash_libsy…