Same to the title of this, the plugin is not recognized by sublime text 2 in Mac.
I've installed by repository of it, but I don't see plug in preference and doesn't work ctrl+shift+b in Python code. …
I'm trying to convert this Date format to Jalali: `"Jan 11, 2023 4:28:24 PM"`
This is my code:
`moment("Jan 11, 2023 4:28:24 PM", "MMM DD, YYYY h:mm:ss a").locale("fa-IR").format("jYYYY/jMM/jDD h:mm…
just wanted to inform you that the account in Portugal frog whenever I try to
make a call I have to wait about 20s for the call establishing and often
without success. using fring with sipdroid …
## Logger
just wanted to inform you that the account in Portugal frog whenever I try to
make a call I have to wait about 20s for the call establishing and often
without success. using fring with sipdroid …
I need to be able to provide generated content as dependencies to bundles
during build (using api) I know what the generated content will be, but there's no file containing it. it's only in memory. s…
之前有点傻傻的分不清内存模型和内存结构的区别,以为都是指的是JVM。直到前段时间在一篇博客上看到这两者的区别,才知道这两者指的是不同的东西。 内存结构内存结构就是我们常说的JVM,比如,堆、栈等。这些就是Java的内存结构。关于JVM可以看 深入理解Java虚拟机(周志明) 写的这本书。下面两篇博客是我看这本书的一些…
Thanks for this great tool!
Any plan to support editing "tag" and other metadata?
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. code inspection
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Major concurrency issues in your code. Sure you use synchronized and all
that but t…