`babel` / `flow` / `@typecript-eslint/parser` uses `ClassProperty`
I believe `FieldDefinition` is a old AST type from `babel`?
require('meriyah').parse('class A{a=1}',{next:true}).body…
Hi, I'm trying to install linux to **Maix GO Development Board** and saw your repo.
I have flashed this file with kflash-gui:
require("meriyah").parse('//', {onComment(){console.log(arguments)}})
[Arguments] {
'0': 'SingleLine',
'1': '',
'2': 0,
'3': 0,
'4': { start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: { line…
can.t upload with v1.5.2 on macOS
The following statement cannot be parsed in Meriyah, while both Acorn and Esprima parses it without problems.
`{ do { } while (false) false }`
Here is the result from Acorn which should b…
I'm trying to make a HTTPS request, so I'm using the firmware in https://github.com/sipeed/MaixPy/tree/develop since the `ussl` module is needed.
When I try to connect using the hostname I get `[E…
require("meriyah").parse('{ }', {loc: true, module: true, jsx: true}).body[0].expression.children[0].expression
type: 'JSXEmptyExpression',
loc: { start: { line: 1, column: 7 }, end: {…
I have a MAIXDUINO with TFT display and I'm trying to build with gfxsupport enabled, but I have errors below.
Maybe it is something in my Arduino IDE configuration, but I am not sure about …
when click "Open File“,the app exit with an error like this:
icon path:/home/zsp/maixpy/kflash_gui/kflash_gui_data/assets/logo.png
config file path: /home/zsp/.config/kflash_gui/kflash_gui.conf
require('meriyah').parse('tagA`a`\ntagB`b`', {ranges: true, loc: true}).body[0].expression.quasi.quasis[0].value
{ cooked: 'tagB', raw: 'a' }
`Node.value.cooked` should be `a`