Tried the single line docker example (` phppm/nginx --bootstrap=laravel `) with a laravel 8 app and got this error:
`ReflectionException: Class translator does not exist in /var/www/vendor/laravel/…
Is this built to work on Laravel Framework 5.4.31?
I'm having trouble after putting it in config/app.php under services providers and aliases.
(1/1) FatalThrowableErrorCall to undefined m…
I just installed the package, however, when I finished running the php artisan commands, it returns me the following message
ErrorException thrown with message "Undefined offset: 0"
I'm on **Laravel 10** on which I install `Laravel Jetstram Authentication System` (https://jetstream.laravel.com/installation.html).
So, knowing that `Laravel Jetstram` uses Tailwind CSS…
I'm creating Behat tests for a Laravel 5.2 project using Behat 3+, Laravel-Behat-Extension and this package.
My `behat.yml` is as such:
``` yaml
- %paths.base%/tests/B…
I'm not quite sure where to put this.
I just verified that its not just my app.
I installed a fresh Laravel project with Laravel Breeze using Vue with Inertia, Inertia SSR and TypeScript.
Yes I did it :) And yes its works.
Still waiting for official support on https://github.com/jonkemp/useref/pull/7
and your updates. So I hope you will bring back the old options and by default return …
I'm trying to use the Behat-Laravel-Extension for Package Development (Laravel 5),
but when I try to run behat I'm receiving the error
"Could not locate the path to the Laravel bootstrap file."
## Laravel BreezeからLaravel uiヘ設定を変更する
`Laravel8`からはログイン機能等を`Laravel Breeze`もしくは`Laravel Jetstreem`で実装できるようになったそうだが、それだとフロントの実装を`Tailwind CSS`というフレームワークで書かなければならない。今はできるだけ早めにポートフォリオを作成しなければならないので`Bo…
I think `./resources/js/bootstrap.js` should be renamed to something else in the default Laravel install.
The reason for this is because it is confusing terminology as it is for _bootstrapping_ the…