org.phoenicis.tools.http.DownloadException: Download of https://riotgamespatcher-a.akamaihd.net/ShellInstaller/EUW/LeagueofLegends_EUW_Installer_2016_11_10.exe has failed
at phoenicis.tools@5.0-alpha…
**Bug Description**
All Ornn items have a field: `'requiredAlly'` which maps to `'Ornn'` except for item 7023 (Equinox, which upgrades from Evenshroud).
**Problem Description**
Evenshroud and…
This is closely tied to issue #7.
Relevant [line of code](https://github.com/elcontraption/flickity-transformer/blob/master/src/index.js#L128):
``` js
// Get proximity to carousel home
xPos = slide.…
**Problem Description**
The item.json file does not provide some of the stats in a organized and pre-established manner.
Most of the stats avaible in the basic.stats is not used.
As a example of …
Your champs folder only has a handful of champs where as you mention in the readme that it is regularly updated and that you automated it. So why is the data so limited?
### System information
- Distro: Manjaro
- DE/WM/Compositor: Plasma
- Installer Version: 13.7.1.r5.gbd4a4e9-1
### Describe the issue
The VC_redist.x86.exe file is failing to download whe…
__What operating system:__
Windows 10
__What version of Championify:__
__What distribution of the league client are you using (NA, EUW, KR, Garena, ect)?:__
__Please explain the issue …
Link to origin wiki: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/
Link to destination (independent) wiki: https://wiki.leagueoflegends.com/
I have changed the com.gvaneyck.rtmp.LoLRTMPSClient class in my local code copy since Riot moved to new EUW servers and changed Server and Queue, so here is what seems to be working now: