I get the below error when I try and install the device for the first time.
I have verified that I can see the data in LibreLinkUp and online as well.
I have several other errors about retrievin…
It always says that it can not log in.
But I verified that the password is correct.
I think it is because of the 2-factor authentification.
Is there a way around this?
Hello, and thank you for your great work.
I have installed version 1.2.0 and it does not recognize any **devices or entities**.
I am using my librelink account (not librelinkup, which does not…
> jest --coverage --forceExit
FAIL tests/unit-tests/librelink/librelink.test.ts
● Test suite failed to run
src/index.ts:169:17 - error TS2322: Type 'LibreLinkUpHttpHeaders' is not assigna…
Hello Jaap Korthals Altes.
Many people from Russia turned to me for help. Medicine began to issue them Libre 2 on the condition of using LibreView. But they use the Russian server https://libreview.r…
Suggestion to provide mg/dL and mmol/L readings, either as selection of unit of measure or provide two sensors (mmol/L = mg/dL divided by 18).
Freestyle LibreLink defaults unit of measure to the regi…
When I try to connect librelink up - United Kingdom (EU2 region) - it doesn't work.
(would it better - manually select server)
> App name: xDrip4iO5
> Version: 5.0.2
> Build number: 4193
I’m getting random notifications saying BG Low is at 0,3 mml while LibreLink, Shuggah and Nightscout all say I’m well within thresholds.
If you follow two patients in Libreview, the values received are combined to same sensor. Can this be separated?
Thanks for your work, I would like use, but I don't understand What's happen... But It doesn't work, I must be making a mistake somewhere...