it would be perfect to have it directly in the menu, as macOS hasn't any button in the CC already :)
Idea for a Low power mode
When a cog begins executing a dictionary search or any word, set a flag
indicating "full power needed"
When a cog finishes executing the word and returns to the quit l…
As per ongoing discussion with .org about libraries, here is a proposal for MCU (and companion MCU) standby API
https://github.com/rocketscream/Low-Power is a good starting point, AVR API is too gr…
Currently testing the new low-power feature for the STM32U5(45RETxQ) (#3496).
When going directly to sleep (without a time set), the device wakes-up after ~30s of sleep (probably due to Overflow IR…
Anybody managed to use interrupts (double-tap or wrist-tilt) in the low-power mode of BMA423?
If the Onyx is in low power mode (switch is up) and a USB cable is plugged in.
The device does not return to low power mode when the cable is removed.
In my opinion, the device should stay in low pow…
Hi everyone,
Playing with low power, a MSP40FR5969 launchpad and a SIM808, I found that it's impossible to go low power if you call just once Serial.begin() command. The fact is that Serial.end() fun…
Idea for a Low power mode
When a cog begins executing a dictionary search or any word, set a flag
indicating "full power needed"
When a cog finishes executing the word and returns to the quit l…
During testing for #3499 I discovered that when the time driver tick frequency is set to 1_000_000 the time is wrong when using the low-power feature.
I have a timeout task set to busy-loop after 6…
I'm not sure what the right place to discuss this is, so let's try here.
The Debug Spec allows a hart to be unavailable, which can be used by cores where harts can be powered down, or even hot plug…