The general practice when imputing one nutrient value from one FCT to another is adjust the nutrient content to the moisture value in the "original" food composition data.
For example, we are using…
The wallets and the farmer do not work, although the program itself works, what to do? 1.2.6 dev67
maize Goss's bacterial wilt and blight disease ([PDO:0000151](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PDO_0000151))
Added definition
Proposed Def'n:
A maize bacterial disease ([PDO:0000011](http://purl.obolibr…
- Grain/Maize to Silo ratio (1 to 5silos)
- Fuel to Tractor ratio (1oilwell to 1fuel to 20tractor)
Maize(옥수수)를 사용하는 레시피가 JEI에 존재하지만 맷돌에 올려놓을 수 없습니다. 올라가지 않습니다
이전에 유사한 오류가 있었으므로 이 기회에 모든 곡물류에 대해 체크해주셨으면 합니다
The value of the Maize Farming Niche variable in the PaleoCAR data set is either 1 or 0 at each point, corresponding to 'In' the niche and 'Out' of the niche respectively. The current color ramp assi…
6th FEB 2020 | no. SRX
-- | --
Arabidopsis thaliana | 30890
Zea mays | 19753
Oryza sativa | 9737
Triticum aestivum | 6924
Solanum lycopersicum | 6444
Sorghum bicolor | 4646
Glycine max | 3…
Hi @leova,
We are currently testing the integration of the BMS with the decision support tool and we are having trouble getting the study data from our testing servers — we just keep getting the sp…
batch files for running APSIM are created for v7.4 and 7.5. We need a runApsim77.bat file now. Do we also need one for v7.6, or can we leap over that version?
A suggestion - see last sentence
Looking to select PO terms to annotate maize trait 'tassel angle', defined as "average angle of branches, estimated in the field; 0 degrees, side branches are perpend…