Users of your software that enable DNSSEC will not be able to validate DNS after October the 11th 2018.
Your repository contains a DNSSECSupport.c file without the new DNSSEC trust-anchors:
char *di…
Would it be possible with this library to query only the local DNS cache? I'd like really fine grained control over when I make the network query vs just the cache - this is for forensic purposes.
The [diagram](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/fae27d1291ed38dd120595d692eacd2505cd3a9c/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f494f794c6a34692e6a7067) in [this section](https://github.com/donnemartin…
I'm unable to push/pull/fetch in a repository where the origin uses an SSH connection.
After clicking the toolbar icon, Xit appears to attempt to fetch, displaying the progress spinner in the toolb…
**Describe Your Problem:**
Forgive the blue sky noob question. I have homebridge working well on MacOS. Obviously the service is unavailable during MacOS sleep (and I could/should commission a Rpi).
RFC8766 describes a Discovery Proxy that allows remote clients to query for hosts and and services on a local network. Any plans to implement such a Proxy into avahi?
Or are you aware of any other …
In the prefpane, it would be nice to have a button to flush the DNS cache
I'm wondering if the driver is not properly configuring the firmware to wake on a magic packet, if an optional zeroed out SecureOn password is present at the end of the packet (`00:00:00:00:00:…
I launched the Hashiqube vagrant (Docker provider) successfully on a MacBook Pro M1 after adding the Consul DNS to /etc/resolver/consul as per instructions here: https://github.com/servian/h…
Hi @balthazar ,
This is an issue to migrate NSDService implementation of android to https://github.com/andriydruk/RxDNSSD. I have used jmDNS and NSD service and they work well on new phones where as…