The access_token_format are described as “ihe_jwt” and “ihe_saml”, but IUA actually uses "ihe-jwt" and "ihe-saml".
The SMART on FHIR URL constructi…
How should we standardize duration units?
The mHealth total sleep time measure includes a value and a unit. The units can range from picoseconds to years. For total sleep time anything from minute …
Can this study be applied to other time series data? I'm curious about the data selection criteria for mHealth, HAPT, opportunity.
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Processar o mapa com as seguintes especificações:
Título do mapa: Mapa de evidências - Teleodontologia
URL sugerida: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/bireme/viz/teleodontologia/evidence-map
Describe transactions in a full page, as it's done in CH-mHealth.
Although their diagrams are quite detailed, the transactions could be better described in a full page.
After upgrading to MyGUI 3.4.1, bars like the HP bar here in the lower left corner are no longer filled:
I'm using SUSHI 3 and the IG Publisher 1.3.18.
When building the IG ch-epr-mhealth (https://github.com/ehealthsuisse/ch-epr-mhealth), the IG Publisher hangs while running SUSHI.
Output logs when…
The valueset DocumentEntry.mimeType seems broken in the CI build: http://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7ch/ch-epr-term/ValueSet-DocumentEntry.mimeType.html
Comparing to v2.0.8: https://fhir.ch/ig/ch-epr-term/V…