I have been gathering a lot of Java-related resources related to AI/ML/DL here:
- https://github.com/neomatrix369/awesome-ai-ml-dl/blob/master/details/java-jvm.md#java
and about GraalVM, Wasm, and…
@cynthia raises in [his presentation](https://www.w3.org/2020/06/machine-learning-workshop/talks/machine_learning_in_web_architecture.html) a limitation of JavaScript for ML processing:
> Due to the …
Add PerpetualBooster as an additional algorithm.
It does not need hyperparameter tuning and supports multi-output and multi-class cases.
I can create…
When B&W (or greyscale) transformation is applied to a RGB image, third channel is lost. Example: before transf, image shape is (436, 650, 3) and after it is (436, 650). Would it be possible (via a pa…
Google ML Engine provides an ensemble of utilities that handles tasks from training to prediction. It also talks with other Google services: Cloud Function, Cloud Storage we employ for manipulating an…
# What is Web Server Really? | noklam✊
You may know how to write a RESTful API with flask, or you may have create a website with Django. But what is a web server really? Why is there so many framewor…
I am a user of TailwindCSS and I have currently setup most of my UI using Tailwindcss. However, some parts of my code seem silly to use Tailwind for and not something like Inkline.
An exampl…
I just got that funny error, I am not sure what I've did wrong.
How to reproduce:
$ git clone https://github.com/samoht/irmin-watcher.git
$ git checkout broken
$ opam install osx-fsevents…
This feature request started from a particular customer feedback (see feedback at the end of the comment).
Most Machine Learning models targeting a regression problem usuall…