Please see below for the detailed output. The run is done on Nvidia RTX 4090 GPU.
CMD: /home/arjun/cm/bin/python3 main.py --scenario SingleStream --profile stable-diffusion-xl-pytorch --datas…
I am finding issues with preprocessing Criteo Terabyte Dataset for the inference runs for Intel CPU.
When the readme file talks about to prepare the DLRM dataset,
Create a directory (such a…
Hello, I hope you are doing well.
I intend to run resnet50 in the server scenario (datacenter) using the script in the docs:
cm run script --tags=run-mlperf,inference,_r4.1-dev \
A number of Preview systems in MLPerf Inference v4.0 used fewer cards than would be typical in production due to a limited availability of cards at the time. Rather than benchmarking the systems with …
**Issue Description**
The tensorflow docker images built from r22.09 tag with onednn/acl as well as those available on docker hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/armswdev/tensorflow-arm-neoverse:r22.09-tf-…
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
### Custom code
### OS platform and distribution
Linux Ubu…
When I run the `run_eval.sh` in the `mask_rcnn_2go`, the error message shows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "code/eval_seg_cpu.py", line 193, in
File "code/eval_seg_…
HI, The gemm + relu has many times in my inference.(In amd, we call rocblas backend) So I wanna know is there matmul + relu implementation in rocBlas. Thanks in advance for any help.
Got the following error when run submission checker.
[2023-02-08 05:37:40,235 submission_checker.py:1645 ERROR] closed/Intel/results/1-node-2S-SPR-PyTorch-INT8/3d-unet-99.9/Offline/performance/run…
color os 软件系统上的进度条无法截屏
p = d(resourceId="org.mlperf.inference:id/progressBar").screenshot()
uiautomator2 version: 2.10.0