Mocks: https://www.figma.com/design/ZPtvSDwbIfHa2R1ozMJ9VP/Oasis-Explorer---Main-Navigation?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas&t=UDcHlRu1ihcsJBZq-0
Discussed with Don that we can simplify away
- we have…
As per [this comment](https://github.com/WordPress/wporg-mu-plugins/pull/657#issuecomment-2413237417) shared on #657, I worked on an improved version of active state's style of global header items.
yammer 1822
rebalance / mobile
mobile design suggestions
Create an attractive spin button with modern design and animations.
Technical Requirements:
- Implement circular button shape
- Add gradient background effect
- Create metallic border styling
### Issue description
The page has been completely revised: visuals and text.
the page is composed of:
- Hero
- EE + Core Features
- 3 big features (note: I’d like an animation here simil…
### Description:
The current User interface does not provide support for mobile view.
### Expected Behavior:
- The interface should be responsive and provide an optimal viewing experience on all …
### Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear Adapter developer,
ioBroker should be fully usable and operable on mobile devices
**So please check your Materialize or React based Adapter…
In the meantime though, is there a way to make the record a little more "mobile friendly"? Follow the link below on your phone and you'll see what I mean. The call number is there but waaaaay at the …
ghost updated
5 years ago