**_Reported by Bogdan Davidoaia:_**
(Imported from Jira ZEP-352)
**_Reported by Bogdan Davidoaia:_**
(Imported from Jira ZEP-352)
Hello kriswiner,
I find all your MPU-9250 board were designed without ground plane under the chip. In datasheet of MPU-9150, the Assembly Precautions section point out
> The exposed center die pad(…
I have a problem with connecting a MPU-92/65 to Arduino Leonardo and getting out data. I have used several versions of code that can be found on internet including
Hello! I came across your project on http://www.hackster.io/cedric/twi and it looks really interesting. I see you mentioned that the software and hardware are open source. Thanks for doing that btw!
With discussions started in multiple threads at this point with issues stemming from finding suitable hardware and coding or interpreting output to utilize solid state gyros and magnetometers for the …
In a literature, IMU_Wk8.key, I found this claim:
"If the X-axis is aligned along the gravitational acceleration vector, it is impossible to compute rotaion around the Z-axis from the accelerometer"
Trying to make the following project:
Installed arduino on arch linux and followed steps to install the arduino makefile.
I'm having arduino i…
Should wait for new robot? How much does the new design change the firmware if any?
Hello! I faced a trouble whith upm's Mpu9150 moudle.
My Mpu9150 is like this
MPU-9150 G…