Now that `BGRABitmap` is `MSEgui` compatible, do you think `that BGRAControls` could work for `MSEgui` too?
I think the IDE works for it's purpouse, but will be nice as well to have say a Visual Studio Code plugin, so I can edit the apps in a better code editor (text highlighted, where I can autocomplete, e…
lainz updated
4 years ago
Apparently due to ASCII conversion. Here are the original files:
I try to compile following your instruction, but get that error:
Compiling /home/fred/Downloads/bgragui-dev-bgragui/bgragui/bgbuttondrawer.pas
bgbuttondrawer.pas(72,7) Error: Identi…
For someone interested in ideU, it would help that release page would explain essential installation considerations:
- one need to download MSEgui **source code**
- then to download ideU **source …
I've done a simple test, copying the control TBGRAFlashProgressBar that has a transparent border and it is displayed as black. Compare how it should look in the original TBGRAFlashProgressBar from BGR…
lainz updated
4 years ago
Here are a list of changes for FPC compatibility (in _msegui\lib\common\fpccompatibility_)
Insert `mclasses` after `Classes` in uses clause of:
- fpreadxwd, fpwritepcx, fpwritetga, fpwritexpm, f…
In the source editor, when doing CTRL-click on `mseform` or `tmseform`, the corresponding source file does not open. And I could not find it by a search on the whole _msegui_ folder.
I could not fi…
Here are a list of changes for FPC compatibility (in _msegui\lib\common\fpccompatibility_)
Insert `mclasses` after `Classes` in uses clause of:
- fpreadxwd, fpwritepcx, fpwritetga, fpwritexpm, f…
When I compile a sample project that uses BGRABitmap, it puts .o and .ppu files in the folder of BGRABitmap. I would like to choose the output path.
By the way the tab Make is artistic: