type: hospitality
offerFromWho: Cooperativa Sociale Consorzio Matrix
title: messa a disposizione di n 50 posti in struttura ricettiva nel comune di lucera (FG)
recipients: soggetti ucraini in fug…
My experience looks very much like Issue #2 from 2 months ago. I run the run.vbs file and it opens a window that briefly says "Downloading proxy.script" in the lower left, which then changes to "Wait…
Come da oggetto. É una operazione relativamente poco impegnativa, perché i beni confiscati dovrebbero essere una decina o poco piú. Mi piacerebbe concordare peró tutte le info da raccogliere, nel cors…
See https://github.com/IIIF/3d/issues/15#issuecomment-1589931301 from Napoli
The publisher will often (usually?) wish to indicate what the user / view is looking at when the `Scene` initializes. Th…
As the Stm32f407 dev board has become expensive (35€ including shipping for the cheapest offer I could find), I wonder if there's an more affordable alternative hardware which the firmware c…
In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.
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There is a problem with fullreplays
In the sections of Spain, England and Italy, there is only the first half of the match
Please add links of the second half and links of doods and vidhidehub.
today I have sent an answer mail to the topic "[RFC] [VOTE] Typed properties v2" started 9 days ago by Bob Weinand. But anyhow #externals shows it as a new independant topic.
Dear Micheal,
I'm trying to use DRAM-V on KBASE to run some tests. I am running into an issue related to the VirSorter Shock id. The help said that "_The shock id of the VIRSorter_affi-contigs.tab. …
In the case of rendering for an infinite band width we needn't do any layout (e.g. backtracking) at all. Providing a rendering function which optimizes for this case should improve performance in thes…