type: hospitality
offerFromWho: Cooperativa Sociale Consorzio Matrix
title: messa a disposizione di n 50 posti in struttura ricettiva nel comune di lucera (FG)
recipients: soggetti ucraini in fug…
My experience looks very much like Issue #2 from 2 months ago. I run the run.vbs file and it opens a window that briefly says "Downloading proxy.script" in the lower left, which then changes to "Wait…
Come da oggetto. É una operazione relativamente poco impegnativa, perché i beni confiscati dovrebbero essere una decina o poco piú. Mi piacerebbe concordare peró tutte le info da raccogliere, nel cors…
As the Stm32f407 dev board has become expensive (35€ including shipping for the cheapest offer I could find), I wonder if there's an more affordable alternative hardware which the firmware c…
See https://github.com/IIIF/3d/issues/15#issuecomment-1589931301 from Napoli
The publisher will often (usually?) wish to indicate what the user / view is looking at when the `Scene` initializes. Th…
today I have sent an answer mail to the topic "[RFC] [VOTE] Typed properties v2" started 9 days ago by Bob Weinand. But anyhow #externals shows it as a new independant topic.
Dear Micheal,
I'm trying to use DRAM-V on KBASE to run some tests. I am running into an issue related to the VirSorter Shock id. The help said that "_The shock id of the VIRSorter_affi-contigs.tab. …
In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.
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In the case of rendering for an infinite band width we needn't do any layout (e.g. backtracking) at all. Providing a rendering function which optimizes for this case should improve performance in thes…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched existing issues, it hasn't been reported yet
### Use case description
We have different AWS profile (different accounts and different …