thanks for this repo, just what I was looking for.
Question on UDP hole punching: is this something the big peer networks do reliable to the point they don't have to send people to https://portforw…
- [ ] Send Json from one user to no local user and back
**Describe the bug**
Copying this over from https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/issues/2818#issuecomment-787783062
So with 1.1.0 out, according to my tests it still doesn't support TURN ser…
Might be worth considering using µTP instead of UDP.
Otherwise build in NAT Traversal into the protocol.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UDP_hole_punching
- http://www.heise-online.co.uk/security/How-Skype-Co-get-round-firewalls--/features/82481
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8892142/udp-hole-p…
if two nodes behind nat without public ip, can they make mesh vpn?
Mirror supports pluggable network transports, changing transports needs only changes for the connection establishment. For example, the Steamworks transport needs the Steam AppID, not an IP address.
In the time I've been using git-chat, I've found that the solution is in desperately need of push notifications. Whenever someone `git-push`es a new message, I want to be notified so I can `git-pull` …