I created a reference within a document body, something like:
Collection: **Parent**
"name": "Parent Document",
"friend": {
"@key": "RelatedDocument@b0f16ff1-15aa-4187-b501-4…
A number of C# unit-tests in https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/features/DefaultInterfaceImplementation/src/Compilers/CSharp/Test/Symbol/Symbols/DefaultInterfaceImplementationTests.cs fail due to t…
Make them be `record.set( 'path', value, options )` and `record.get( path )`.
get and set with this signature are not useful now and must be either deprecated or their semantic must change.
according to MSON spec:
- list: 3, 4 (enum, sample)
Is equivalent to:
- list: *3, 4* (enum)
but if yo…
I generated a C# file using protoc.exe, but the generated code contains this, which doesn't build:
descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.InternalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
When I open an existing class
public class C1
and add a nested class **MyNestedClass** that work fine.
public class C1
**Original report ([archived issue](https://hoffmangroup.github.io/genomedata-bitbucket-backup/#!/hoffmanlab/genomedata/issues/45)) by Rachel Chan (Bitbucket: [rcwchan](https://bitbucket.org/%7B20430f…
Hi :)
Really liking NestedTypes 1.3 with the polymorphic constructor support. We are evaluating the other features to see what else we can use :)
I get this warning at the top of the screen in VS 2015 Pro (RTM, and now also Update 1):
'CSharpAddImportCodeFixProvider' encountered an error and has been disabled.
This is a frequent harbinger of …
Basically if I have a data structure called video, and then another structure that includes an array of that base type, the compiled JSON will be valid however the compiled schema will not include any…