### Context
Hey @rpalcolea, On merge, we have a build failure when publishing to the artifact repo. Any advice on how to proceed?
Our security team has blacklisted the xstream dependency that exists in eureka-client that conductor-client depends on. They blacklisted it because it has known security vulnerabilities. We can exclud…
Context - https://github.com/Netflix/metaflow-service/issues/7#issuecomment-829715082
After May 1st all links to Bintray will be broken. Our `homebrew/bottles` will be migrated in time and probably our `homebrew/mirror`s but there's a lot of other packages using Bintray that we'll need…
# Task Description
You should consider moving away from hosting your artifacts on JCenter as soon as possible, as it's being decommissioned.
Please, have a look at these links:
* https://jfrog.…
Hi, we want to use zuul in our projects, it seems the 2.x version is most suitable to use. Is it production ready?
I was trying to set up a basic Conductor instance locally following the docs here: https://netflix.github.io/conductor/architecture/.
When running the `../gradlew server` command, I get the follow…
Build file '/Users/songzj/Downloads/sourceCode/conductor-3.0.1/build.gradle' line: 18
An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'nebula.netflixoss', version: '9.2.2']
> Failed to apply pl…
Description of steps by @aleade
I cloned the most recent git repo
I did docker pull netflixoss/metaflow_metadata_service
I changed the docker-compose file only to change the image and the volu…
Whenever I am trying to read in the information from OSS Tracker, it seems like it errors out:
This is what I get in the console: