原生的socket输出时, 需要将流转码为GB18030,
PrintWriter write = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), "GB18030"));
在SyncPoolClient 中将 channelConfig.addHandler(StringEncoder.class);
Issue Type:
- [x] Bug report
- [ ] Feature request
**What happened**:
According the documentation we should be able to launch a linkerd with a configuration from the standard input stream (htt…
The normal mechanism to close a connection seems to be: (from: https://github.com/netty/netty/blob/master/example/src/main/java/io/netty/example/http/snoop/HttpSnoopServerHandler.java#L129)
**What is the bug?**
When called the rest endpoint `/_plugins/_notifications/_local/stats`
receiving `{"statusCode":502,"error":"Bad Gateway","message":"socket hang up"}`
The corresponding stac…
### Environment
* Dubbo version: 3.0.2
* Operating System version: win10
* Java version: jdk11
### Steps to reproduce this issue
instance group in nacos registry always be DEFAULT_GROUP whe…
**Elasticsearch version** (`bin/elasticsearch --version`):
Version: 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT, Build: default/docker/fcbbc7e7967c3adf05b54c08eb6eae18e3b847a0/2020-10-04T09:46:56.752224Z, JVM: 15
1.当有motan客户端远程连接到server端时,由于网络框架使用的netty4,是否将NettyServerChannelManage中的channelRegistered/channelUnregistered优化为channelActive/channelInactive会更好, channelRegistered事件只是说明其已经注册到eventloop,但此时channel并未处于ac…
is there any plan to upgrade netty from 3.x to 4.x.
I'm research microservice framework, and find motan is still using netty 3.x, but why not migrate to netty 4.x?