Currently when you go to the migrate page you get a WSOD - http://cellproject.net/admin/content/migrate
`resulted in a `500 Service unavailable`
* ELMCIP D7 endpoint uses: https://github.com/whi…
I was performing a harvest in Omeka to pull records from my geonode. The first ListRecords works OK, and Geonode/pycsw returns a resumptiontoken. The second ListRecords provided by Omeka includes the …
c.f. https://github.com/OCR-D/core/pull/581
As per [their terms of use](http://dialnet.unirioja.es/info/aviso_legal) (Google Translate translation):
> Any mass downloading content for any purpose without permission from the Dialnet Foundation …
Hi @miku,
We are adding more and more OAI-PMH endpoints and metha does a great job!
I have a question about [selective harvesting](https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html#Sele…
Example from an Islandora based repository below, where the `` has an appropriate accuracy, but the `` is over-accurate. This is not currently flagged as an issue (although I think the same issue with…
* codename: copernicus
* collection: copernicus.org
* oai pmh endpoint: https://oai-pmh.copernicus.org/oai.php
## Describe the bug
at version 7.6
all metadata-views remove the namespace-link of xsi - so my national library rejected to harvest my metadata
Link to examples
Pulling the xcri OAI-PMH data and paging using rsumptionTokens appears to pull duplicate records Here's a log of ids pulled and a sheet of which are unique and counts https://docs.google.com/spreadshe…