When starting a new shell, I receive the following error:
/Users/$USER/.antigen/bundles/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/plugins/osx/osx.plugin.zsh:source:329: no such file or …
#### Current Behavior
Initializing starship with `eval "$(starship init zsh)"` fails with this error message:
/proc/self/fd/11:92: no such file or directory: Files/starship/bin/starship.exe pro…
I know it's easy to install the scrips in this repo by cloning and then using `use` or `source` to activate the desired script. That's all fine.
But I'm starting to collect a few Nushell-related re…
Look i hate fish sooooo much it's weird and clunky and sets off my mental state can you please let us use bash as a choice in the install cause unpicking fish does nothing! please i beg of you ... i d…
The problem only occurs when I'm using antigen. If I uninstall antigen and just run `autoload -U compinit; compinit` in the shell, kubectl completion works fine.
# Problem
kubectl tab completion s…
~/.zshrc with robbyrussell theme:
~/.zshrc with spaceship theme:
I love Alias tips, but it causes my startup time to take a severe hit, as shown by `zprof`:
~> zprof
num calls time self name
I'd like to add this to [awesome-zsh-plugins](https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins), but I prefer to add themes with screen shots in the readme so that users can see what they look like with…
Feature Request:
Create TFENV_TF_VERSION variable that has current selected version. So that I may use that in my prompt.
# Criando meu ambiente Python - Linux (Ubuntu)