I'm currently following an archived edX course CS50M by Harvard and one of their exercises involves fetching movie information from the OMDb API.
I've just registered for a free API key and it stat…
Searching for: Chungking Express
{ StatusCodeError: 401 - {"Response":"False","Error":"No API key provided."}
at new StatusCodeError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/imdb-cli/node_modules/reque…
Both also have basic information about actors and a summary.
- https://www.rottentomatoes.com/
- https://www.metacritic.com/
Searches by title, returns multiple results (w/ pagination)
- Create variables for each API url and use fetch() to pull results
- Display results on page and assign default id/class (unsorted?) to allow them to be selected
- Design HTML layout, choose CSS fr…
your API has a little documentation leak. I need several times to understand, when I make a OmdbAPI.search request with a OmbdBuilder.setTitle() parameter, the api-omdb-search doesn't return an…
Stop working today, just returning Null
# imdb 影集資料欄位需求
* 片名
* 評分
* 集數
* 導演
* 製作人
* 演員
* 年份
* 類型
* 分級
* 國家
* 語言
* 拍攝地點(國家 + 州/省/縣)
* 製作公司
I am currently not able to pull anything from the OMDB API. My app is fully non-functional and their website returns a HTTP ERROR 503 when trying to access a detail page for a movie or series.
Searches by ID/Title, returns one result