This lesson will work you through a classic statistical problem that you can solve in R and includes visualization methods as well as regression analysis.
**Where**: Zoom (link https://utoronto.zoo…
I can't seem to get `linetype` to work with `shade_confidence_interval()` anymore. Observe the following examples:
``` r
#remotes::install_github("tidymodels/infer", ref = "develop")
Indeed, this was based on `oilabs::rep_sample_n()` (which, by the way, is destined to live in the `openintro` package going forward) but I didn't implement the probabilities so I'm not the best person…
Not sure how hard this might be, but if it is not too much work, epub is pretty portable format. Main advantages include responsive sizing (nice when one wants to zoom in for bigger text on tablets), …
Reviewing https://infer.tidymodels.org/reference/prop_test.html, it strikes me that {infer} should probably have a `success` argument for `prop_test()` if testing a point estimate in much the same way…
From looking at your examples, I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of your `dotPlot()` is supposed to be, but it is unfortunate that you have chosen a name that conflicts with the version in the `mo…
Hello, I would like to infer about the slope for the following model using openintro's [evals](https://www.openintro.org/stat/data/evals.php) data:
> teaching_score = beta_0 + beta_1 * avg_beauty_sc…
I took my local system library and tried to curate a list. Anyway, this should be a reasonable start.
hi there,
the book on github openintro-statistic-slides and the book which i download
OpenIntro Statistics
Fourth Edition
is different?
what is the issue?
chapter names are same, but the …