I have been fighting with this issue for a few weeks now and had not posted anything until we got our pipelines built out and maintained using pcf-pipelines-maestro. We also have upgraded our AWS fou…
This is due to a bug in OpsMgr where the `/credentials` endpoint does not include credentials that are nested under selectors like radio buttons: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/803319/stori…
Note: this is non-essential. Purely for convenience & kind of a greedy use-case. But nonetheless--
[In order to account for slower environments, `om` could consider higher default values for `conne…
When staging a product in automated tile upgrades ([context is I'm working on pipelines to do selective-deploys](https://github.com/aegershman/pcf-pipelines-selective-deploy)), I need the `product_nam…
- PKS 1.1.0 section is still there but the release is not available on Pivnet
- Minor Typo
>VMware NSX-T | 2.1 - Advanced Edition | **NST-T** versions supported for Pivotal Container Service (PKS)
I'm very excited to see REST in OpsMgr. Hope there will be a new version with more functionality in SCOM 2019 ~
I've some knowledge about PowerShell and a bit of C#. It would be great if you…
This agent was deployed to a pilot group, and the computers never showed up in the OMS workspace. Investigation of the event logs showed an error in the operations manager event log with event ID 400…
Concourse: v1.2.3
PCF-Pipelines: Latest
Cloned repository:
git clone https://github.com/pivotal-cf/pcf-pipelines
Modified ```params.yaml…
New VMs should support setting network parameters such as network, subnetwork, and specified private IP address.
1. Install oms agent
sh omsagent-1.4.3-174.universal.x64.sh --install --enable-opsmgr
2. Check the OMI version is omi-1.4.1-0
3. Run command with root accou…