(Posted on WoWI by hazelton)
Healing and absorb bars should not be allowed to extend beyond the confines of the health bar.
Phanx updated
6 years ago
Blizzard has introduced the new dungeon finder which places a role icon (tank,
heal, damage) on
the player and group frame. This is missing. thx
Original issue reported on code.google.com b…
Veracode Software Composition Analysis
Attribute | Details
| --- | --- |
Library | Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
Description | Spring Expression Languag…
I'm currently working on a react project using a backend api running passport-steam. I'm running into the issue where none of my requests are actually comming back authorized. I'm wondering if you cou…
- Fichier d'imposition locale
- https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/impots-locaux-fichier-de-recensement-des-elements-dimposition-a-la-fiscalite-directe-locale-rei-3/#:~:text=Le%20fichier%20…
> Faire la liste du matos dont on a besoin sur place
> Quel matos on emporte / on achete / on trouve sur place
Nos modales ne sont validables que si on appuie à la souris sur "valider" ou qu'on sélectionne le bouton avec tab avant. Il serait agréable de pouvoir les valider avec la touche "entrer" lorsque tous …
Assigned to [MapBox iOS SDK #1198](http://support.mapbox.com/discussions/mapbox-ios-sdk/1198-location-tracking-dot-is-moved-when-centering-on-user-location-on-a-contraint-map). As reported in Tender:
When there was a network drive as a saved panel dir, I understood.
But now they are just local SSD locations, with not many files, so nothing special.
Maybe it's Windows (and/or ConHost, DLL cachi…
xparq updated
5 years ago
I just recently stumbled upon your FreeUI add-on and I had a couple suggestions. The only problem I had with the add-on was that it would replace the names of the chat channels. For example it…